Posts Tagged ‘ Section 33e ’

Nykredit Eu500m senior secured performs in busy FIG market

Nov 21st, 2013

Nykredit Realkredit priced its second euro senior secured deal of the year on Tuesday, a Eu500m long five year that an official at the issuer said went well, drawing more than Eu800m of demand and performing after pricing.

Interview: Anders Lund Hansen, BRFkredit

Jan 10th, 2013
Anders Lund Hansen image

Anders Lund Hansen, group treasurer at BRFkredit, spoke to The Covered Bond Report’s Neil Day about the issuer’s plans for an inaugural senior unsecured trade off a new EMTN programme.

BRFkredit in EMTN shelf, eyes Eu500m senior secured starter

Dec 7th, 2012

BRFkredit is planning to launch a Eu500m senior deal early next year after having set up a Eu4bn EMTN programme, and the Danish issuer’s group treasurer told The Covered Bond Report that the inaugural issue could be a Section 33e senior secured deal.

DLR Kredit takes up §33e senior secured in Dkr4bn debut

Nov 29th, 2012

DLR Kredit on Wednesday for the first time issued senior secured debt pursuant to Section 33e of Danish covered bond legislation, selling Dkr4bn (Eu536m) of what are also known as Junior Covered Bonds.